Returning to the Sacred will Heal the Modern Soul

“The world without spirit is a wasteland.” - Joseph Campbell

As a society, we’ve lost ourselves.

We have become a people who live their lives for social media, for boxes on a screen, trying to get approval from those we know and impress the ones we’ve never met.

We’ve become a people who value convenience over quality, quantity over quality, and who spend their lives rushing and hustling their way to success and achievement, only to discover that we missed our lives along the way.

We’ve become a society that is so focused on “science,” on proving, on living from the mind that we have dismissed anything that comes from the soul as irrelevant and even worse, unreal.

We are an unhappy people with a collective amnesia. An amnesia that was forced upon us by systems and people who wanted power, and decided to denigrate the old ways in the process.

The more we have focused on doing, achieving, and productionism, the further away we have forgotten from the elements that actually make us feel alive and enjoy being human.

The more devoted we’ve become to satisfying the graspy needs of our human, ego-selves, the more we have lost our connection to the Sacred.

The things that matter most to us as humans, once our basic needs are taken care of, can never and will never be found in the world of productionism.

They are found in the Sacred. They are found in the Soul. They are found by re-connecting to the Ancient Ways.

It’s not that I believe we should give up all modern thought or conveniences, but rather that we shouldn’t lose sight of the traditions that activate our Souls, that awaken that little piece of Stardust within us.

I want to live in a world where kids grow up believing in magic and holding onto that sense of wonder as they age.

I want to live in a world that prioritizes living with the land, natural healing remedies as a first line of defense, and leading slower lives with fewer toxic thoughts and products.

I want to live in a world that embraces the languages of the Soul, holds ceremonies and rituals, and conducts rites of passage and initiations that support the mythic journey of our lives.

These are the things that we are missing.

These are the things that people are aching for.

Our society values enriching the mind but it cares little to none about the Soul. And the truth is, we need both.

In my world, we begin from the Sacred and spiral outwards.

We anchor into the world of Spirit and let that guide every other aspect of life.

The Sacred is the centerpiece, the essence, the flavor that affects everything else.

Returning to the Sacred is what we need to heal the Modern Soul.


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