If It’s Not Truth, It’s Noise

It came to me as a channeled message, when I was least expecting it.

This idea that it could really be that simple to separate the chatter in the mind that’s worth listening to and that which should be…discarded.

It’s either truth…or it’s noise.

Noise is a hallmark of the ego.

It’s what happens when we look outside of ourselves, when we think that everyone else has a better answer for how we should live our lives.

Noise is anxiety. Noise is depression.

Noise is what takes over when we haven’t cultivated the practice of tuning in and getting still enough to hear your truth.

Truth is the language of the soul.

It knows the answers that are right for you, even when it doesn’t make logical sense to anyone else. Even when it’s the least popular option.

The voice of truth tells you what’s real, even when you don’t want to hear it.

Pure truth relaxes the body, even if it frightens the ego.

It resonates deep in your core as a “Yes,” “It’s time,” or “I remember.”

Truth doesn’t promise ease, or likes, or validation from others, but it does promise freedom.

It’s either truth…or it’s noise.


When Happiness Isn’t Where You Thought It Was


How to Choose Your Soul Over Your Ego